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The program is named after Larry Little of WSSU and the late Rev. Dr. Carlton Eversley.
A4E in partnership with Triad Restorative Justice, TURN and L.I.T. City are accepting referrals for 6th grade Black boys for our intensive Black male academic and leadership village:

Eversley Little Village launching Feb 2021.

To refer your young man please contact E Jay Chandler at 336-473-6269 or



The Eversley Little Village will be a place for critical consciousness, healing, leadership development and belonging for 6th grade Black males in the Rolling Hills Community and vicinity. The Village will offer students an opportunity to critically examine, explore, and analyze the unique experiences of African-descended people in order to better understand the past and present conditions of their communities so that they will have the tools needed in order to become agents of change.


Develop a culturally responsive and self reliant learning village where young Black boys are immersed in a healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenging environment within their own community.
The initial phase of Eversley Little Village will start in February 2021 and continue for 16 weeks, with plans to continue the program for future phases. We are able to accept ten middle school boys for this opportunity.

The program involves three components:

  • Targeted support during the week for academic work

    • Tutoring and homework assistance

    • Culturally relevant enrichment activities

    • Will adapt the details based on the school schedule (hybrid, remote learning, etc.)

  • A Saturday work & community-building experience

    • Weekly PAID work experience for the youth in the mornings ($10/hr for 3 hrs)

    • Lunch and leadership development in the afternoons

    • Positive male mentorship

  • Community support

    • Creative programming such as music production, concerts, visits to African American museums, and other Black conscious building outings and events

    • Opportunities for family members to get involved with supportive learning activities

To learn more about the program, answer any questions, or find out if your son would be a good fit, please contact us below.

*Space is limited to 10 boys



 Inaugural cohort

ELV seeks to disrupt the pipeline to prison for Black boys and men.  We can do that most effectively when we work towards preventing involvement in the justice system altogether. 

ELV is currently enrolling ten (10)  middle school boys living in or near the Rolling Hills community into our inaugural program.


Our program includes a Saturday work and social learning experience from 9am-2pm each week, as well as academic support and enrichment activities during the week. The work experience will be paid, and lunch will be provided each week.

Space is limited to ten 6th grade boys

In Memory of

Rev, Carlton AG Eversley

June 14, 1957-September 16, 2019

" Eversley will be remembered for his advocacy for the education of poor and black children in the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools and his support of Darryl Hunt’s innocence"

-Fleming El-Amin, a Forsyth County commissioner

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